Saturday, October 5, 2019

Prairie Artisan Ales No Way Frose

This is a 4.9% ABV sour ale brewed with lime zest, strawberry, pineapple, and juniper. It is from Prairie Artisan Ales of Oklahoma. Prairie are tenant brewers, they do not have their own brewery, but go and brew themselves at other's facilities, which from every bottle I have seen is the Krebs Brewing Company in Krebs, Oklahoma. 

The beer pours a dark golden in color. There is a short head of white foam. The aroma is funky, leathery, floral like marigolds, with some light strawberry in the background. The taste follows the aromas. There is some implied strawberry and lime, but I have trouble getting any pineapple, and the juniper merges into the funky, leather, floral notes (although it is a touch more distinct in the aftertaste). The finish is dry and tart. The beer has fine and tingling carbonation.

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