Saturday, October 27, 2018

Ballast Point White Wine Barrel-Aged Sour Wench

This 7.1% ABV white wine barrel-aged sour blackberry ale is from the Ballast Point Brewing Company of San Diego, California. It takes their Sour Wench blackberry sour ale and ages it in Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc barrels.

The beer pours deep purple with ruby. There is a half-inch of white head that fizzes away quickly. The aroma is fruit, sweet, tart, vinous, wood, a bit of oxidation. The taste follows the aromas, very, very tart, vinous, but oxidized, with blackberry fruit at the end. The beer drinks with a light tartness, yet a heavy bubbliness at the same time. Drinkable, but not overly impressive.  

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