Thursday, March 22, 2018

Surly 60 Below Rye IPA

This 6.5% ABV rye India Pale Ale is from the Surly Brewing Company of Brooklyn Center (and now Minneapolis), Minnesota. It is only available in their mixed sampler 12 pack of twelve ounce cans.  It takes its name from the record low temperature of 60 degrees below zero recorded on February 2, 1996 in Tower, Minnesota.

The beer pours a deep, dark, yet gem-like amber in color. There is a half-inch of light tan head. The aroma is toasted rye, dank, with dark fruits. The taste follows the aromas, heavy on the rye, with a very bitter finish. The beer drinks smooth, with moderate carbonation and a medium body. This is an IPA for those who like tonic bitterness.

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