Saturday, March 28, 2020

Shoreline Brewery Discombobulation

This 13% ABV bourbon barrel-aged barleywine is from the Shoreline Brewery of Michigan City, Indiana. It takes its name from being near the shores of Lake Michigan. They have a nice line-up of beer and food at their brewpub. They also sell some to-go offerings of beer.

The beer pours a very dark brown in color. There is a short head of tan foam. The aroma is sweet, bourbon, caramel, toffee, vanilla, oak, with light cherry. The taste follows the aromas, hitting the same notes, with the caramel being dark, a bit more roasted on the malt than in the aroma. The finish is fairly bitter with a strong oak astringency. It drinks smooth, not heavy at all, but the body is also not at all overwhelmed by the big flavors.  

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