Saturday, November 9, 2019

Genesee Light

The Genesee Brewing Company is from Rochester, New York.  It was founded in 1878 and has always been one of America's largest regional breweries.  High Falls Brewery purchased Genesee in 1990. Apparently in addition to the Genesee beers, the GBC also does a lot of contract brewing. They do the Dundee line and apparently do some brewing for Sam Adams, among others.

The beer pours a clear and light golden yellow, champagne-like in color. There is a short head of white foam that fizzes quickly away. The aroma is light, toasted grain, with a touch of wet cardboard. The taste follows the aromas, light, toasted grain, but cleaner, no real off notes. There is little to no bitterness, but it is not sweet. The carbonation is intense and it drinks refreshing.  

From 2010: "Genny Light" - This beer pours a light golden color with a half-inch head that dissipates quickly but not entirely.  It has an aroma typical to a cheaper beer, there is a hint of sour there.  The taste is better than the aroma.  The sourness in the aroma is not present in the taste.  It actually has a nice creamy mouthfeel.  For a cheap light beer it does in fact have some flavor.  There are some better cheap light beers out there (Hamm's Special Light, Schmidt Light, Old Style Light, Old Milwaukee Light), but there are many way worse ones.  As is often the case, it has more flavor than say Bud Light or most of the other major macro lights.  This is especially true considering it only has 96 calories per can.  Overall, a good American macro adjunct lager light beer.

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