Friday, November 22, 2019

Genesee Ice

The Genesee Brewing Company is from Rochester, New York.  It was founded in 1878 and has always been one of America's largest regional breweries.  High Falls Brewery purchased Genesee in 1990. Apparently in addition to the Genesee beers, the GBC also does a lot of contract brewing. They do the Dundee line and apparently do some brewing for Sam Adams, among others. This is their 5.5% ABV ice beer.

The beer pours a dark golden in color. It has a tall head of white foam that is relatively long-lasting for the style. The aroma is cooked grain, bright, a touch of circus peanuts candy sweetness. The taste is mild cooked grain, less sweetness than in the aroma, with a bit of grassy bitterness on the dry finish. The beer drinks with a crisp carbonation. The beer drinks quite clean, although there is a slightly off bitter note in the aftertaste. As far as the style goes, I would probably take this over almost another other Ice take on a macro lager that I have had, it is mostly clean, not overly sweet, and actually puts some bitterness on the finish.

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