Sunday, February 8, 2015

Clown Shoes Itasca Loonidragon Russian Imperial Stout

Clown Shoes Beer comes from the Mercury Brewing Company of Ipswich, Massachusetts. This is their Blaecorn Unidragon Stout aged in bourbon barrels. As a special release for their Minnesota customers, who apparently buy a lot of Clown Shoes, they called it Itasca Loonidragon and only released this one in Minnesota (the Loon is Minnesota's state bird and Itasca is a county, lake, and park in Minnesota, the park is at the Mississippi River headwaters). The beer clocks in at 14.5% ABV.

The beer pours a deep black. There is a relatively short head of tan, somewhat creamy, head. The aroma is sweet, chocolatey, with some light char and a tangy waff of bourbon. The taste is smooth, creamy, chocolate, bourbon, dark roasted malts and oak. There is sweetness in the deep malt and booze, but the oakiness brings a very dry finish. The beer drinks very rich and smooth, with a moderate bitterness on the finish, and some definite alcohol heat, very warming. 

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