Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cable Car Brewing Company - Pale Ale; Winter Brew

The Cable Car Brewing Company is in Rochester, New York.  I believe this line is a store exclusive to Whole Foods and I am guessing it is contract brewed by Genesee.

Pale Ale - This 5.3% ABV beer pours a glowing light copper in color with a half-inch of just off-white head.  The aroma is fairly light, grassy and light citrus over malt.  The taste follows the aroma, some sun tea with lemon, drinks light and refreshing.  This has a nice flavor and is refreshing, but very light.

Winter Brew - This seasonal ale brewed with spices is 6.3% ABV and pours a very dark copper-amber, burnt orange in color.  There is a quarter inch of creamy off-white head.  The aroma is malty, almost burnt caramel, a touch of dark fruit, the spice is there but not discernible as individual spices.  The taste is almost burnt caramel, dark fruit juice, slightly sweet, spices not very apparent.  The fruit comes to the fore as it warms, cherries and dark berries.  The finish is somewhat bitter.

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