Thursday, November 11, 2010

Schonram Brewery

The Private Ladbrauerei Schonram of Schonram, Germany.

Surtaler Light Beer - Light golden in color and well carbonated.  The aroma is of grain and fresh wet straw.  The taste is of grain and straw with a good amount of lager funk, but a bit tartly metallic on the finish along with the hop bitterness.  Only 3.4% ABV.  Still, it is better than most American lagers.

Schonramer Gold Fest Beer - Light golden in color.  A light aroma of freshly harvested grain and straw with a hint of sour or tart.  The flavor is of grain and straw, but also a sweet and tart effect.  6.0% ABV.

Schonramer Pils - Light golden in color with a dense yet bubbly head that provides some lacing as the beer goes down.  Aroma of grain and straw, lager funk, slightly metallic.  The taste follows the aroma exactly and has a bitter finish.  There is a nice aftertaste of grain and lager muskiness.  5.4% ABV.


  1. Why does everything taste like grain and straw? Schonramer gold has obvious floral notes including, but not limited to, acacia, lavender, rose. Please drink this beer again, as it is a true representation of a traditional style of Bavarian festbier, specifically wiesen marzen. This beer is most definitely in the running as one of the better representations of this style in Germany, and the world, given its having been awarded gold and silver medals at the World Beer Cup numerous times in blind taste tests. Do not be fooled by your first half litre, drink four or five litres of this beer savoring each mug, and you will begin to notice new subtle aromas, new flavor profiles with food, and as your palate accustoms itself to this brew you might find yourself strangely addicted. But worry not, your gut will thank you for this onslaught of Bavarian beer. Because after lengthy lagering in open tanks; natural carbonation through Kräusening; and a mash composed entirely of the finest quality Barke malts and Bavarian Hops on Earth; Schonramer Gold, for the same reason its taste captures your spirit, is uniquely nourishing. Stay thirsty, God bless you.

  2. Luca, thanks for your comment. Notice I tasted these four years ago. I've tried a lot of beers since, I am sure with another try I might get some other notes. Also, German beers found in the US often tend to be overly old, having sat on a shelf too long. Please send me four or five litres of each Schonramer style and I'll happily give them a new try!
