Friday, May 15, 2020

Surly Brewing Barrel-Aged Darkness 2020

The Surly Brewing Company originated in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, and now also has a destination brewery in Minneapolis. Darkness is their annual special Russian Imperial Stout release, and they often do a barrel-aged version. This is the 2020 vintage of the Barrel-Aged.

The beer pours black with over an inch of thick, creamy, dark brown foam head. The aroma is molasses, dark dried fruits, vanilla, oak, light bourbon, with some dark chocolate. The taste follows the aromas, lots of dark roasted malt, sweetness, molasses, with a very warm bourbon. While there is definite sweetness in the big taste, there is enough oak and hops to bring that to a battling semi-sweet, semi-dry finish, with a moderate bitterness and oaky astringency. The beer drinks smooth, soft, with a big mouthfeel that can hold up all the flavor. This is so well done. I am glad I was able to get two, and can try the other in a few years.  

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