Saturday, February 8, 2020

Carroll Brewing Mild

This 4.0% ABV Mild Ale is from the Carroll Brewing Company of Carroll, Iowa. You don't see a lot of Mild ales, which is a shame, as it is generally a flavorful yet easy drinking beer.

The beer pours very dark brown, nearing black. There is a half-inch of light tan, not long lasting. The aroma is dark roasted, char, chocolate, some bittter, some sweet. The taste follows the aromas, lots of dark roasted malt notes, with lots of chocolate, cocoa, and some char. There is a fruity sweetness and a mineral tang on the finish. The bitterness is fairly light. The beer drinks very easily, quaffable, refreshing, but still full of flavors.

From a crowler:

The beer pours a dark brown, a touch of ruby. There is a short head of very light tan, not long lasting, and it disappears before I can get my picture taken. The beer is visibly well carbonated. The aroma is dark roasted malt, char, some dark fruit and dark chocolate. The taste follows the aromas, some really nice dark roasted malt flavors, adding in a bit of coffee as well. The finish is lightly bitter. The beer drinks chuggably easy. The body could use just a bit more heft with all these wonderful flavors. This is delicious. Mild is a wildly underappreciated style; I don't know why more breweries don't make one.

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