This is the 4.6% ABV bottled "draft" version of Miller beer.
The beer pours a clear, light golden,
almost champagne like in both color and effervesence. The aroma is
light straw, light toasted grain, a bit of wet cardboard. The taste
follows the aromas, although the taste is a bit cleaner. There is
essentially not bitterness on the finish. The beer drinks light, very
carbonated, refreshing.
From about 2010: Miller Genuine Draft - Pours a very clear and light straw golden in color with a slight head of pure white foam that leaves moderate lacing down the glass.. The aroma is a decent malty grain for an American adjunct lager, corn, and a lightly floral grassiness. The taste follows the aroma, slightly watery. There is a crisp carbonated finish. This comes off a little less sweet, and a little more flavor than High Life.
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