Sunday, August 25, 2019

Pabst Blue Ribbon Extra

This is the new higher alcohol version from Pabst Blue Ribbon. It is 6.5% ABV. They now have their low alcohol Easy and now the higher alcohol Extra.

The beer pours a dark golden. There is an inch of white foam head. The aroma is cooked cereal and a bit of cooked canned vegetable. The taste is sweet, malty, cooked cereal and a bit of sweet potato. There is enough hops to bring it to a semi-dry/semi-sweet finish with light bitterness. The beer has a medium body, nice heft for an adjunct lager, with carbonation that stings without being overwhelming.

I don't know why, but take an iconic old brand of beer, and make an Ice, or Dry, or Extra, or Easy, or whatever you want to call it, and I will be trying it. 

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