Saturday, August 23, 2014

Bell's Special Double Cream Stout

This 6.1% ABV stout is made with ten different malts. It is from the Bell's Brewery in Comstock, Michigan. 

The beer pours black in color, opaque, but with some dark brown around the edges when held to the light. There is a half-inch to inch of tan, creamy head. The aroma is dark roasted malt, dark chocolate, coffee, pleasant char. The taste follows the aromas, milky, creamy, bittersweet, dark roasted. The mouth is round and soft, but with a tingle of carbonation, sweet, but coming to a fairly bitter and dry finish.  Wow, this is so good. 


The beer pours black in color. There is a half inch of light brown head. The aroma is dark roasted malt, sweet, char, mocha, coffee, anise. The taste follows the aromas, sweet and dark roasted. The finish is dry despite the sweetness, and moderately bitter. The beer drinks smooth, yet softly carbonated.

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