Saturday, May 24, 2014

21st Amendment Sneak Attack Saison

This seasonal release is a 6.2% ABV farmhouse beer made with cardamom. It is from the 21st Amendment Brewery of San Francisco. Many of their beers are contract brewed in Cold Spring, Minnesota, but this one says it was canned in San Francisco. The 21st Amendment to the Constitution repealed the 18th Amendment which had prohibited alcohol. As you can see, the label has George Washington and his men crossing the Delaware, but instead of the dead of winter, they are in swim suits, and yes, that is a big mug of beer in George's hand.

The beer pours golden yellow in color, a bit hazy. There is an inch of pure white whipped egg white foam. The aroma is highly spiced, a bit tart, somewhat floral. The taste follows the aromas directly, lots of cardamom, but well blended into the overall flavors, the end is dry, floral and quite bitter. It is medium-bodied and refreshingly carbonated. I’m not always into highly spiced beers, but this one is nicely done.

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