Thursday, April 19, 2012

Genesee Ice

The Genesee Brewing Company is from Rochester, New York.  It was founded in 1878 and has always been on of America's largest regional breweries.  High Falls Brewery purchased Genesee in 1990. In addition to the Genesee beers, the GBC also does a lot of contract brewing. This is their 5.5% ABV ice beer (relatively low for an ice).

The beer pours a very dark golden in color. There is a half inch of white head, not long lasting. The aroma is sweet and toasted malt. It actually smells better than their Cream Ale. The taste follows the aromas, sweet, but toasted. The taste from the can and the glass are similar. While it has sweetness, the finish is just on the dry side. The bitterness is very low. There is a light smoothness, followed by intense carbonation. This is not bad for what it is, category wise.

Back in 2012, pretty consistent to that first try, but the can has changed: The beer pours a dark honey golden in color.  This is darker than I would have expected.  There is a near half-inch of white and thickly foamy head.  The head leaves sedimentary layers of lacing down the glass.  The aroma is malty and slightly sweet, a bit of herbal grassiness.  The taste is malty grain, very light caramel, less sweet than the aroma, with a bit of tart bitterness on the finish.  The mouthfeel is lightly, yet adequately carbonated, with a creamy, smooth finish.  For a mass produced ice adjunct lager, this is pretty darn good.  I would drink it again given the opportunity.

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