Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Huber Bock

The Huber Brewing Company is in Monroe, Wisconsin where it is now actually brewed by the Minhas Craft Brewery. Bock in German means goat.

This 5.5% ABV beer pours extremely dark brown, dark mahogany, nearly black, it is opaque and turns ruby when held to the light.  There is an inch of off-white to light brown head that is thick and creamy. It dissipates fairly quickly but leaves some light lacing down the glass.  The aroma is sweet and creamy, but with a metallic tang.  There is a good bit of malt vinegar in the aroma and some dark roasted malt, with very light coffee and cocoa.  The aroma actually reminds me quite a bit of some Scottish ales.  The taste follows the aromas, with a distinct sweetness, adding mocha, and very dark, dried fruit. It is medium bodied and a bit creamy. There is a moderate bitterness on the finish that tempers the sweetness.

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