Monday, November 22, 2010

Carling Black Label Beer

2010:  This beer pours a very light and pale gold in color with a quarter-inch head that rapidly disappears but does surprisingly leave a bit of light lacing down the glass.  The aroma is of light, fresh grain, a bit metallic, a touch of lager "funk", a touch of sweet and tart apple and just a hint of hops.  The taste is of light grain and lager, and a barely detectable hop bitterness.  The mouthfeel is highly and finely carbonated, but a bit watery just the same.  Very light.  It does have a pleasing aftertaste.  I don't understand when people drink macros that they seek out "light" beer when the regular ones are often so light themselves. 

I still like this in 2017:  The beer pours a light clear champagne golden in color. There is about an inch of white, foamy head. The aroma is golden grain, with a metallic/mineral tang (not unpleasant), damp straw and light lager funk moving towards wet cardboard, and just a touch of grassiness. The taste is mild grain, light straw, a touch of grass. There is little to no bitterness. The beer drinks with a burning carbonation, but refreshing. This is a solid macro adjunct lager, pretty good as the style goes. 

The can is funny as it predominantly features "Carling Canada" and a big red maple leaf, but then down below you will see "Product of U.S.A."  Black Label was originally from Canada, with the Carling company beginning brewing in 1840 and not moving into the United States until after Prohibition.  The company had some nationwide success but fell into decline, along with many smaller brewers, in the 1970's.  It was then acquired by G. Heileman, which was purchased by Stroh's, which was bought by Pabst (who owns many brands but has no breweries, all of their labels are contract brewed, many by Miller). 

I don't think the can has changed a lick since 2010:

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