Friday, August 16, 2013

Pretty Things Baby Tree

The Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project is based out of Somerville, Massachusetts.  They are a tenant brewer, not owning their own brewery, but renting others' brewing equipment. This is a 9.0% ABV Belgian Abbey Quadruple style beer. Although mostly Belgian in style, the beer takes its name from a small pear tree in Yorkshire, England where bedraggled baby dolls hang.

The beer pours medium to dark brown, with a bit of ruby when held to the light. There is a short and fairly thin head that is light brown in color. The aroma is malty and a bit tart, there is caramel, brown sugar and lightly burnt sugar from the malt, and a bit of dark stone fruits, plum-like. The taste is sweet malt, lots of caramel, brown sugar, some dark dried fruits, with a moderately bitter and somewhat dry finish. The mouthfeel is a strange combination of medium to heavy, yet light at the same time, with a tingle of carbonation. This is nice, solid in its own way, but does not hold up to its inspiration of real abbey quads.

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