Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sapporo Light

This is a 119 calorie light beer from Sapporo Beer of Japan (their website is worth a visit to see the old Sapporo ads from the early 20th century up to the beginning of World War 2). Their beers for the North American market are brewed in Canada rather than in Japan.

The beer pours the pale yellow golden of sun bleached straw. There is nearly an inch of pure white head that is relatively long lasting for a light lager, and leaves light to medium lacing down the glass. The aroma is grain and straw, a bit of tall grass. The taste follows the aromas directly, grain and straw, a touch of sweetness before a grassy, bitter and dry finish. It is crisply and refreshingly carbonated. You won't do better in a light adjunct lager than this; very good for the style!

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