Friday, November 19, 2010

Stift Schlagl

The Stiftsbraurereischlagl is in Aigen, Austria. (Please note that if you don't speak German their website will do you no good, unless you use Google Chrome and have it translate.)

Red Ale - 5.7% ABV.  This beer pours amber/reddish in color with a light head that does leave slight lacing down the glass.  The aroma is malt forward, of grain with a touch of sweetness, a hint of caramel and light fruitiness.  The beer when tasted feels amazingly light for its taste which is very malty, full of grain, that hint of sweetness and fruit is there, but it is well balanced by a wave of hoppy bitterness and some lager "funk" in the finish.  This is an interesting beer.

Kristall - Pours a pure gold in color with a fairly thick, medium-sized head that does lace the glass.  The smell is of grain and aromatic hops, with just a bit of a sour note.  The flavor is intense, big grain and very bitter,  with a slightly metallic rather than dry finish.  5.6% ABV.

Roggen Gold - Also pours a pure gold in color, a tad darker than the Kristall with the same type of head.  The aroma is lighter than I would have expected a hint of grain and lager smell.  The flavor is fairly weak for a European lager, slight grain and weak bitter finish.  This is the disappointment of the three Schlagl's tried.  4.9% ABV.  I will say as the glass goes on, it gets a bit better, a little more flavor is apparent and it develops a nice creamy mouthfeel.

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